What I've done today is Sum square difference in Rust and Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Smallest multiple in Rust and Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Largest palindrome product in Rust and Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Largest prime factor in Rust and Coin Change in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Even Fibonacci numbers in Rust and K-th Smallest Prime Fraction in cpp.
What I’ve done today is Multiples of 3 and 5 in Rust and Max Chunks To Make Sorted in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Secret Messages of Number Theory and Course Schedule II in JavaScript.
Due to the high cost of [brilliant.org]'s subscription, and low difficulty, I decide to change to https://projecteuler.net. So again, if there is no source provided, I'm doing challenge with it and https://LeetCode.com