What I've done today is Find The Parity Outlier in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Vowel Count in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Find the divisors! in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Diophantine equation in Rust and Printer Errors in JavaScript.
BTW, I found math became more and more difficult, far more than I've expected. I decided to learn some practical course before returning to math.
So there will be only CodeWars after today~
What I've done today is Convergents of e in Rust and Sum of two lowest positive integers in JavaScript.
I've get tired with leetcode, especially meet strange runtime at yesterday. So I jumped into codewors and want to learn some fp and ES6 from Space :D
What I've done today is Odd period square roots in Rust and Jaden Casing Strings in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Powerful digit counts in Rust and Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets in JavaScript.