2019-02-27 Daily Challenge

What I've done today is Find The Parity Outlier in JavaScript.

2019-02-26 Daily Challenge

What I've done today is Vowel Count in JavaScript.

2019-02-25 Daily Challenge

What I've done today is Find the divisors! in JavaScript.

2019-02-24 Daily Challenge

What I've done today is Diophantine equation in Rust and Printer Errors in JavaScript.

BTW, I found math became more and more difficult, far more than I've expected. I decided to learn some practical course before returning to math.

So there will be only CodeWars after today~

2019-02-23 Daily Challenge

What I've done today is Convergents of e in Rust and Sum of two lowest positive integers in JavaScript.

2019-02-22 Daily Challenge

I've get tired with leetcode, especially meet strange runtime at yesterday. So I jumped into codewors and want to learn some fp and ES6 from Space :D

What I've done today is Odd period square roots in Rust and Jaden Casing Strings in JavaScript.

2019-02-21 Daily Challenge

What I've done today is Powerful digit counts in Rust and Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets in JavaScript.