2024-01-15 Daily Challenge

Today I have done leetcode's January LeetCoding Challenge with cpp.

January LeetCoding Challenge 15


Find Players With Zero or One Losses

You are given an integer array matches where matches[i] = [winneri, loseri] indicates that the player winneri defeated player loseri in a match.

Return a list answer of size 2 where:

  • answer[0] is a list of all players that have not lost any matches.
  • answer[1] is a list of all players that have lost exactly one match.

The values in the two lists should be returned in increasing order.


  • You should only consider the players that have played at least one match.
  • The testcases will be generated such that no two matches will have the same outcome.


Example 1:

Input: matches = [[1,3],[2,3],[3,6],[5,6],[5,7],[4,5],[4,8],[4,9],[10,4],[10,9]]
Output: [[1,2,10],[4,5,7,8]]
Players 1, 2, and 10 have not lost any matches.
Players 4, 5, 7, and 8 each have lost one match.
Players 3, 6, and 9 each have lost two matches.
Thus, answer[0] = [1,2,10] and answer[1] = [4,5,7,8].

Example 2:

Input: matches = [[2,3],[1,3],[5,4],[6,4]]
Output: [[1,2,5,6],[]]
Players 1, 2, 5, and 6 have not lost any matches.
Players 3 and 4 each have lost two matches.
Thus, answer[0] = [1,2,5,6] and answer[1] = [].



  • 1 <= matches.length <= 105
  • matches[i].length == 2
  • 1 <= winneri, loseri <= 105
  • winneri != loseri
  • All matches[i] are unique.


auto speedup = [](){
  return 0;
class Solution {
  vector<vector<int>> findWinners(vector<vector<int>>& matches) {
    map<int, int> lost;
    for(const auto &match: matches) {
      lost[match[0]] += 0;
      lost[match[1]] += 1;
    vector<vector<int>> answer(2);
    for(const auto &[player, losses] : lost) {
      if(!losses) {
      } else if(losses == 1) {
    return answer;

// Accepted
// 127/127 cases passed (511 ms)
// Your runtime beats 62.66 % of cpp submissions
// Your memory usage beats 88.18 % of cpp submissions (162.5 MB)