2023-07-19 Daily Challenge
Today I have done leetcode's July LeetCoding Challenge with cpp
July LeetCoding Challenge 19
Non-overlapping Intervals
Given an array of intervals intervals
where intervals[i] = [starti, endi]
, return the minimum number of intervals you need to remove to make the rest of the intervals non-overlapping.
Example 1:
Input: intervals = [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[1,3]] Output: 1 Explanation: [1,3] can be removed and the rest of the intervals are non-overlapping.
Example 2:
Input: intervals = [[1,2],[1,2],[1,2]] Output: 2 Explanation: You need to remove two [1,2] to make the rest of the intervals non-overlapping.
Example 3:
Input: intervals = [[1,2],[2,3]] Output: 0 Explanation: You don't need to remove any of the intervals since they're already non-overlapping.
1 <= intervals.length <= 105
intervals[i].length == 2
-5 * 104 <= starti < endi <= 5 * 104
auto speedup = [](){
return 0;
class Solution {
int eraseOverlapIntervals(vector<vector<int>>& intervals) {
sort(intervals.begin(), intervals.end(), [](const vector<int> &a, const vector<int> &b) {
return a[1] < b[1] ||(a[1] == b[1] && a[0] < b[0]);
int end = -100000;
int answer = 0;
for(const auto &interval : intervals) {
if(interval[0] < end) {
answer += 1;
} else {
end = interval[1];
return answer;
// Accepted
// 58/58 cases passed (478 ms)
// Your runtime beats 70.68 % of cpp submissions
// Your memory usage beats 99.9 % of cpp submissions (88.8 MB)