2022-06-30 Daily-Challenge
Today I have done leetcode's June LeetCoding Challenge with cpp
June LeetCoding Challenge 30
Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II
Given an integer array nums
of size n
, return the minimum number of moves required to make all array elements equal.
In one move, you can increment or decrement an element of the array by 1
Test cases are designed so that the answer will fit in a 32-bit integer.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [1,2,3]
Output: 2
Only two moves are needed (remember each move increments or decrements one element):
[1,2,3] => [2,2,3] => [2,2,2]
Example 2:
Input: nums = [1,10,2,9]
Output: 16
n == nums.length
1 <= nums.length <= 10^5
-10^9 <= nums[i] <= 10^9
class Solution {
int minMoves2(vector<int>& nums) {
int len = nums.size();
sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());
long long sum = 0;
for(auto i : nums) sum += i;
long long cur = 0;
long long answer = INT_MAX;
for(long long i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
answer = min(answer, (nums[i] * i - cur) + (sum - cur - (len - i) * nums[i]));
cur += nums[i];
return answer;
// Accepted
// 30/30 cases passed (16 ms)
// Your runtime beats 55.47 % of cpp submissions
// Your memory usage beats 15.75 % of cpp submissions (10.9 MB)