2022-01-08 Daily-Challenge

Today I have done leetcode's January LeetCoding Challenge with cpp.

January LeetCoding Challenge 8


Cherry Pickup II

You are given a rows x cols matrix grid representing a field of cherries where grid[i][j] represents the number of cherries that you can collect from the (i, j) cell.

You have two robots that can collect cherries for you:

  • Robot #1 is located at the top-left corner (0, 0), and
  • Robot #2 is located at the top-right corner (0, cols - 1).

Return the maximum number of cherries collection using both robots by following the rules below:

  • From a cell (i, j), robots can move to cell (i + 1, j - 1), (i + 1, j), or (i + 1, j + 1).
  • When any robot passes through a cell, It picks up all cherries, and the cell becomes an empty cell.
  • When both robots stay in the same cell, only one takes the cherries.
  • Both robots cannot move outside of the grid at any moment.
  • Both robots should reach the bottom row in grid.

Example 1:


Input: grid = [[3,1,1],[2,5,1],[1,5,5],[2,1,1]]
Output: 24
Explanation: Path of robot #1 and #2 are described in color green and blue respectively.
Cherries taken by Robot #1, (3 + 2 + 5 + 2) = 12.
Cherries taken by Robot #2, (1 + 5 + 5 + 1) = 12.
Total of cherries: 12 + 12 = 24.

Example 2:


Input: grid = [[1,0,0,0,0,0,1],[2,0,0,0,0,3,0],[2,0,9,0,0,0,0],[0,3,0,5,4,0,0],[1,0,2,3,0,0,6]]
Output: 28
Explanation: Path of robot #1 and #2 are described in color green and blue respectively.
Cherries taken by Robot #1, (1 + 9 + 5 + 2) = 17.
Cherries taken by Robot #2, (1 + 3 + 4 + 3) = 11.
Total of cherries: 17 + 11 = 28.


  • rows == grid.length
  • cols == grid[i].length
  • 2 <= rows, cols <= 70
  • 0 <= grid[i][j] <= 100


auto speedup = [](){
  return 0;
const int moves[9][2] = {
  {-1, -1},
  {-1, 0},
  {-1, 1},
  {0, -1},
  {0, 0},
  {0, 1},
  {1, -1},
  {1, 0},
  {1, 1},
class Solution {
  int cherryPickup(vector<vector<int>>& grid) {
    int rows = grid.size();
    int cols = grid.front().size();
    // col1 * cols + col2
    int dp[2][cols * cols];
    memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));
    // 0 * cols + cols - 1
    dp[0][cols - 1] = grid[0][0] + grid[0][cols - 1];
    for(int row = 0; row < rows - 1; ++row) {
      int parity = (row & 1);
      for(int index = 0; index < cols * cols; ++index) {
        if(dp[parity][index] == -1) continue;
        int col1 = index / cols;
        int col2 = index % cols;
        for(int m = 0 ; m < 9; ++m) {
          int newCol1 = col1 + moves[m][0];
          int newCol2 = col2 + moves[m][1];
          int newIndex = newCol1 * cols + newCol2;
          if(newCol1 < 0 || newCol2 < 0 || newCol1 >= cols || newCol2 >= cols) continue;
          if(newCol1 > newCol2) continue;
          int cherries = grid[row + 1][newCol1];
          if(newCol2 != newCol1) {
            cherries += grid[row + 1][newCol2];
          dp[parity ^ 1][newIndex] = max(dp[parity ^ 1][newIndex], dp[parity][index] + cherries);
    auto resultSet = dp[((rows & 1) ^ 1)];
    int answer = *max_element(resultSet, resultSet + cols * cols);
    return answer;

// Accepted
// 58/58 cases passed (57 ms)
// Your runtime beats 50.61 % of cpp submissions
// Your memory usage beats 100 % of cpp submissions (8.2 MB)