2021-05-08 Daily-Challenge

Today is Saturday, I gonna review the tasks I've done this week, and finish today's leetcode's May LeetCoding Challenge with cpp.

LeetCode Review

Reverse Words in a String III

too easy to review

Jump Game VI

too easy to review

Set Intersection Size At Least Two

once you know, it's not hard

Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero

too easy to review

Course Schedule

too easy to review

Running Sum of 1d Array

too easy to review

Non-decreasing Array

too easy to review

Jump Game II

too easy to review

Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree

too easy to review

Delete Operation for Two Strings

too easy to review

May LeetCoding Challenge 8


Super Palindromes

Let's say a positive integer is a super-palindrome if it is a palindrome, and it is also the square of a palindrome.

Given two positive integers left and right represented as strings, return the number of super-palindromes integers in the inclusive range [left, right].

Example 1:

Input: left = "4", right = "1000"
Output: 4
Explanation: 4, 9, 121, and 484 are superpalindromes.
Note that 676 is not a superpalindrome: 26 * 26 = 676, but 26 is not a palindrome.

Example 2:

Input: left = "1", right = "2"
Output: 1


  • 1 <= left.length, right.length <= 18
  • left and right consist of only digits.
  • left and right cannot have leading zeros.
  • left and right represent integers in the range [1, 10^18].
  • left is less than or equal to right.


digit DP I guess

use dp[digits length] represent state of DP, states that with digits length i, there will be dp[i] super palindrome numbers. $dp[i] = 9 \times (dp[i - 2]+dp[i-4] +...+dp[i%2])$

Oops, I misunderstood problem again, it's super palindrome numbers not palindrome numbers. amount of these numbers is small, so I write a program to count them and print into my code.

below is my solution

class Solution {
  vector<long long> table = {0, 1, 4, 9, 121, 484, 10201, 12321, 14641, 40804, 44944, 1002001, 1234321, 4008004, 100020001, 102030201, 104060401, 121242121, 123454321, 125686521, 400080004, 404090404, 10000200001, 10221412201, 12102420121, 12345654321, 40000800004, 1000002000001, 1002003002001, 1004006004001, 1020304030201, 1022325232201, 1024348434201, 1210024200121, 1212225222121, 1214428244121, 1232346432321, 1234567654321, 4000008000004, 4004009004004, 100000020000001, 100220141022001, 102012040210201, 102234363432201, 121000242000121, 121242363242121, 123212464212321, 123456787654321, 400000080000004, 10000000200000001, 10002000300020001, 10004000600040001, 10020210401202001, 10022212521222001, 10024214841242001, 10201020402010201, 10203040504030201, 10205060806050201, 10221432623412201, 10223454745432201, 12100002420000121, 12102202520220121, 12104402820440121, 12122232623222121, 12124434743442121, 12321024642012321, 12323244744232321, 12343456865434321, 12345678987654321, 40000000800000004, 40004000900040004};
  int superpalindromesInRange(string left, string right) {
    auto l = stoll(left);
    auto r = stoll(right);
    return lower_bound(table.begin(), table.end(), r + 1) - lower_bound(table.begin(), table.end(), l);

and below is my program


#define LL long long
#define mk(a,b) make_pair(a,b)
#define ULL unsigned long long
#define mem(a,n) memset(a,n,sizeof(a))
#define lowbit(x) ((x)&(-x))
#define sz 1010
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define MOD 10000007
#define eps 1e-10

using namespace std;
vector<vector<string>> dp = {{""}};
void init() {
	for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) dp[1].push_back(to_string(i));
	for(int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
		for(int j = i & 1; j < i; j += 2) {
		    for(int k = 1; k < 10; ++k) {
		    	for(auto &tmp : dp[j]) {
			    	string res = to_string(k);
			    	for(int z = 0; z * 2 + tmp.length() < i - 2; ++z) res.push_back('0');
			    	res += tmp;
			    	for(int z = 0; z * 2 + tmp.length() < i - 2; ++z) res.push_back('0');
			    	res.push_back(k + '0');
bool isPal(unsigned long long i) {
	string a = to_string(i);
	auto it = a.begin();
	auto rit = a.rbegin();
	while(it != a.end()) {
		if(*it != *rit) return false;
	return true;
int main()
	vector<long long> answer;
	for(int i = 1; i < 10; ++i ) {
		for(auto &tmp : dp[i]) {
//			cout << tmp << ' ';
			auto i = stoll(tmp);
			i *= i;
			if(isPal(i)) answer.push_back(i);	
//		cout << endl << "########################"<< endl;
	sort(answer.begin(), answer.end()); // !important
	for(auto i : answer) cout << i << ", ";
	return 0;