2020-12-05 Daily-Challenge

Today is Saturday, I gonna review the tasks I've done this week, and finish today's leetcode's November LeetCoding Challenge with cpp.

LeetCode Review

The Skyline Problem

nothing to say

class Solution {
    vector<vector<int>> getSkyline(vector<vector<int>>& buildings) {
        vector<tuple<int, int, int>> points;
        for(auto &b : buildings) {
            points.push_back(make_tuple(b[0], b[1], b[2]));
            points.push_back(make_tuple(b[1], -1, b[2]));
        sort(points.begin(), points.end(), [](tuple<int, int, int> &a, tuple<int, int, int> &b){
            auto [al, ar, ah] = a;
            auto [bl, br, bh] = b;
            return al < bl || (al == bl && ((ar != -1 && br == -1) || (ar != -1 && br != -1 && ah > bh)));
        int curHeight = 0;
        priority_queue<pair<int, int>> q;
        vector<vector<int>> answer;
        for(auto [curPos, rightPos, height] : points) {
            if(rightPos == -1) {
                while(q.size() && q.top().second >= -curPos) q.pop();
                int newHeight = q.size() ? q.top().first : 0;
                if(newHeight != curHeight) answer.push_back({curPos, newHeight});
                curHeight = newHeight;
            } else {
                // -rightPos is little trick that i dont need to write compare
                // function for priority queue
                q.push(make_pair(height, -rightPos));
                if(height > curHeight) {
                    curHeight = height;
                    answer.push_back({curPos, curHeight});
        return answer;

Power of Two

nothing to say

class Solution {
    bool isPowerOfTwo(int n) {
        return n > 0 && n == (n&(-n));

Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

nothing to say

class Solution {
    int maxDepth(TreeNode* root) {
        return root ? 1+max(maxDepth(root->left), maxDepth(root->right)) : 0;

Substring with Concatenation of All Words

simple solution gets better result

time complexity is $O(sn)$

class Solution {
    vector<int> findSubstring(string s, vector<string>& words) {
        unordered_map<string, int> cnt;
        int wordLen = words[0].length();
        int total = words.size();
        int slen = s.length();
        for(auto &word : words) {
            cnt[word] += 1;
        vector<int> answer;
        for(int i = 0; i <= slen - total*wordLen; ++i) {
            if(cnt.count(s.substr(i, wordLen))) {
                int rest = total;
                unordered_map<string, int> cur = cnt;
                int pos = i;
                string curWord = s.substr(pos, wordLen);
                do {
                    cur[curWord] -= 1;
                    rest -= 1;
                    if(!cur[curWord]) cur.erase(curWord);
                    pos += wordLen;
                    curWord = s.substr(pos, wordLen);
                }while(rest && cur.count(curWord));
                if(rest == 0) {
        return answer;

Unique Paths II

nothing to say

class Solution {
    int uniquePathsWithObstacles(vector<vector<int>>& obstacleGrid) {
        if(obstacleGrid.front().front() || obstacleGrid.back().back()) return 0;
        int w = obstacleGrid[0].size(), h = obstacleGrid.size();
        vector<vector<int>> dp(obstacleGrid.size(), vector<int>(obstacleGrid[0].size(), 0));
        dp[0][0] = 1;
        for(int i = 0; i < h; ++i) {
            for(int j = 0; j < w; ++j) {
                if(obstacleGrid[i][j]) continue;
                if(i) dp[i][j] += dp[i-1][j];
                if(j) dp[i][j] += dp[i][j-1];
        return dp.back().back();

Linked List Random Node

Reservoir Sampling

class Solution {
    ListNode* head;
    mt19937 generator;
    uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution = uniform_real_distribution<double>(0.0, 1.0);
    function<double(void)> rng = bind(distribution, generator);
    /** @param head The linked list's head.
        Note that the head is guaranteed to be not null, so it contains at least one node. */
    Solution(ListNode* head) {
        this->head = head;
    /** Returns a random node's value. */
    int getRandom() {
        ListNode *cur = head;
        double curIndex = 1;
        int result = -1;
        while(cur) {
            if(rng() < 1 / curIndex) result = cur->val;
            cur = cur->next;
            curIndex += 1;
        return result;

Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer Mapping

nothing to say

class Solution {
    string freqAlphabets(string s) {
        int cur = 0;
        string answer;
        for(auto c : s) {
            if(isdigit(c)) {
                cur *= 10;
                cur += c - '0';
                if(cur > 99) {
                    answer.push_back((cur / 100) + 96);
                    cur %= 100;
            } else {
                answer.push_back(cur + 96);
                cur = 0;
        if(cur) {
            if(cur > 9) answer.push_back((cur / 10) + 96);
            answer.push_back((cur % 10) + 96);
        return answer;

Increasing Order Search Tree

nothing to say

class Solution {
    void inorder(TreeNode *root, TreeNode *&cur) {
        if(!root) return;
        inorder(root->left, cur);
        cur->right = new TreeNode(root->val);
        cur = cur->right;
        inorder(root->right, cur);
    TreeNode* increasingBST(TreeNode* root) {
        TreeNode *newRoot = new TreeNode(-1);
        TreeNode *cur = newRoot;
        inorder(root, cur);
        return newRoot->right;

Sort the Matrix Diagonally

disgusting problem, won't redo it.

Merge k Sorted Lists

devide and conquer

 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x, ListNode *next) : val(x), next(next) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    ListNode* merge2Lists(ListNode *a, ListNode *b) {
        ListNode *newHead = new ListNode(-1);
        ListNode *cur = newHead;
        while(a && b) {
            if(a->val < b->val) {
                cur->next = a;
                a = a->next;
                cur = cur->next;
            } else {
                cur->next = b;
                b = b->next;
                cur = cur->next;
        if(a) cur->next = a;
        if(b) cur->next = b;
        return newHead->next;
    ListNode* mergeKLists(vector<ListNode*>& lists) {
        if(lists.empty()) return nullptr;
        int interval = 1;
        int len = lists.size();
        while(interval < len) {
            for(int i = 0; i+interval < len; i += 2*interval) {
                lists[i] = merge2Lists(lists[i], lists[i+interval]);
            interval *= 2;
        return lists.front();

The kth Factor of n

too easy to review

Equal Rational Numbers

same ways, more elegant codes.

class Solution {
    pair<string, string> unify(string n) {
        int pos = 0, len = n.length();
        string number, decimal, repeatPart;
        while(pos < len && isdigit(n[pos])) {
            number += n[pos];
            pos += 1;
        if(pos == len) return make_pair(number, string(16, '0'));
        pos += 1;
        while(pos < len && isdigit(n[pos])) {
            decimal += n[pos];
            pos += 1;
        if(pos == len) return make_pair(number, decimal + string(4-decimal.length() + 12, '0'));
        pos += 1;
        bool all9 = true, all0 = true;
        while(pos < len && isdigit(n[pos])) {
            if(n[pos] != '9') all9 = false;
            if(n[pos] != '0') all0 = false;
            repeatPart += n[pos];
            pos += 1;
        if(all9) {
            repeatPart = "0";
            int carry = 1;
            for(auto it = decimal.rbegin(); carry && it != decimal.rend(); ++it) {
                if(*it == '9') *it = '0';
                else {
                    *it += 1;
                    carry = 0;
            for(auto it = number.rbegin(); carry && it != number.rend(); ++it) {
                if(*it == '9') *it = '0';
                else {
                    *it += 1;
                    carry = 0;
            if(carry) number = "1" + number;
        if(decimal.length() < 4) {
          if(repeatPart.length() == 1) {
              decimal += string(4-decimal.length(), repeatPart[0]);
          } else {
              while(decimal.length() < 4) {
                  decimal += repeatPart[0];
                  repeatPart = repeatPart.substr(1) + repeatPart[0];
        while(decimal.length() < 16) {
            decimal += repeatPart;
        return make_pair(number, decimal);
    bool isRationalEqual(string S, string T) {
        return unify(S) == unify(T);

December LeetCoding Challenge 5


Can Place Flowers

You have a long flowerbed in which some of the plots are planted, and some are not. However, flowers cannot be planted in adjacent plots.

Given an integer array flowerbed containing 0's and 1's, where 0 means empty and 1 means not empty, and an integer n, return if n new flowers can be planted in the flowerbed without violating the no-adjacent-flowers rule.

Example 1:

Input: flowerbed = [1,0,0,0,1], n = 1
Output: true

Example 2:

Input: flowerbed = [1,0,0,0,1], n = 2
Output: false


  • 1 <= flowerbed.length <= 2 * 104
  • flowerbed[i] is 0 or 1.
  • There are no two adjacent flowers in flowerbed.
  • 0 <= n <= flowerbed.length


solution is easy, but think of elegant solutions is not so easy.

class Solution {
    bool canPlaceFlowers(vector<int>& flowerbed, int n) {
        int maxCount = 0;
        int zero = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < flowerbed.size(); ++i) {
            if(!flowerbed[i]) {
                zero += 1;
            } else {
                maxCount += zero / 2;
                zero = -1;
        if(zero) maxCount += (zero + 1) / 2;
        return maxCount >= n;