2020-10-11 Daily-Challenge

Today is Sunday, I gonna review the tasks I've done this week, and finish today's leetcode's October LeetCoding Challenge with cpp.

The non-Designer's Design Book review

my second answer on Page 56:

  • [F] color of dark purple
  • [F] shape of circle
  • [HT] color of grey green circle

reference answer:

  • dark maroon color
  • color of green bubble
  • explicit alignment of border and text

my second answer on Page 72-73:

  • [T] use lowercase and uppercase
  • [T] curly banner of quotes
  • [T] remove unnecessary TELEPHONE, etc
  • [D] use uppercase in website
  • [HT] increase size of image
  • [F] purple banner background of title
  • [T] neat left align and right align

reference answer has 4 more differences:

  • border is more slim than before
  • enlarge pie and let it float
  • quote repeat font of the title
  • move a pie gallery to title(where it is?)

my second answer on Page 74:

  • [T] use white background instead of light purple
  • [T] purple banner for the title
  • [T] reduce size of heart shape
  • [F] email and phone repeat same font and color
  • [T] move heart shape to top
  • [HT] use interesting font in the title

reference answer:

  • remove Times New Roman, use handwritting font for the title and sans serif font for the rest
  • in order to match the serif bold, a dark purple is added

my second answer on Page 134:

  • top one
    • [T] remove useless shape
    • [F] use | instead of · to separate contact information
    • [T] use lowercase
    • [T] not use italic on the title
    • [T] not use uppercase on smile
  • bottom one
    • [T] repeat black banner
    • [T] no unused space between image and banners
    • [F] lowercase so can be enlarged

reference answer:

  • first one
    • remove casual image
    • remove one Emergenicies Welcome
  • second one
    • gather text block closer so it looks more organized

my second answer on Page 82:

  • [T] use interesting font for bullets
  • [T] separate resume and follow text
  • [T] remove border
  • [T] titles and details are more closer
  • [T] use another bold font for titles
  • [T] left align
  • [F] same spacing between blocks

seems all write if I write in more detailed manner?

LeetCode Review

Queries on a Permutation With Key

Get index of number can be transformed into a prefix sum problems, then we only need to know the position of the number and should be able to do a quick add to range of prefix sum. So, we can use a map and a BIT(binary indexed tree) to solve this problem.

Here comes the trick: imaging that we have a array to compute the prefix sum, which is index of the key, instead of initialize array with size of m and set all values to 1, we initialize a array with size of m+queries.size() and, first queries.size() elements set values to 0 and set reset to 1. And we have a hashmap to record the position of number. Then we can transform each query to follow:

0. get position of query number from map
1. compute the prefix sum of position of query number
2. put the query number to first position, which is equal to
  - let prifix sum of position minus one
  - let prefix sum of last add one

check my code for more information

class Solution {
  void add(vector<int>& nums, int pos, int val) {
    while(pos < nums.size()) {
      nums[pos] += val;
      pos += pos&(-pos);

  int sum(vector<int>& nums, int pos) {
    int ret = 0;
    while(pos) {
      ret += nums[pos];
      pos -= pos&(-pos);
    return ret;
  vector<int> processQueries(vector<int>& queries, int m) {
    vector<int> answer, bit(m*2+1, 0);
    unordered_map<int, int> h;
    int cnt = queries.size();
    for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
      h[i] = i+cnt;
      add(bit, i+cnt, 1);
    for(int q: queries) {
      answer.push_back(sum(bit, h[q])-1);
      add(bit, h[q], -1);
      add(bit, cnt, 1);
      h[q] = cnt;
    return answer;

BTW because queries.size() <= m so we can use 2*m+1 as size.

homemade-binary-search :)

class Solution {
    int search(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
        int begin = 0, end = nums.size()-1;
        while(begin < end) {
            int mid = (begin + end) >> 1;
            if(nums[mid] >= target) {
                end = mid;
            } else {
                begin = mid+1;
        return nums[begin]==target?begin:-1;

Serialize and Deserialize BST

pre-order traversal with human-readable encoding

class Codec {
  int stoi(string &num, int &end) {
    int ret = 0;
    while (num.length() > end  && isdigit(num[end])) {
      ret *= 10;
      ret += num[end] - '0';
      end += 1;
    return ret;
  TreeNode* deserialize(string &data, int &pos) {
    if(data[pos] == 'n') {
      pos += 2;
      return NULL;
    TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(stoi(data, pos));
    pos += 1;
    root->left = deserialize(data, pos);
    root->right = deserialize(data, pos);
    return root;
  // Encodes a tree to a single string.
  string serialize(TreeNode* root) {
    if(!root) return "n,";
    string tmp = to_string(root->val);
    tmp += ",";
    tmp += serialize(root->left);
    tmp += serialize(root->right);
    return tmp;

  // Decodes your encoded data to tree.
  TreeNode* deserialize(string data) {
    if(data.length() == 2) return NULL;
    int len = data.length();
    int pos = 0;
    TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(stoi(data, pos));
    pos += 1;
    root->left = deserialize(data, pos);
    root->right = deserialize(data, pos);
    return root;

Remove Outermost Parentheses

raw concatenation

class Solution {
    string removeOuterParentheses(string S) {
        string answer = "";
        int cnt = 0;
        for(char c: S) {
            if(c == '(' && cnt++) {
                answer += '(';
            } else if(c == ')' && --cnt) {
                answer += ')';
        return answer;

October LeetCoding Challenge 11


Remove Duplicate Letters

Given a string s, remove duplicate letters so that every letter appears once and only once. You must make sure your result is the smallest in lexicographical order among all possible results.

Note: This question is the same as 1081: https://leetcode.com/problems/smallest-subsequence-of-distinct-characters/

Example 1:

Input: s = "bcabc"
Output: "abc"

Example 2:

Input: s = "cbacdcbc"
Output: "acdb"


  • 1 <= s.length <= 104
  • s consists of lowercase English letters.


another greedy

class Solution {
  string removeDuplicateLetters(string s) {
    map<char, int> cnt;
    vector<bool> used = vector<bool>(128, false);
    string answer = "";
    for(auto c: s) {
      cnt[c] += 1;
    for(auto c: s) {
      if(used[c]) {
        cnt[c] -= 1;
      while(answer.length() && answer.back() > c && cnt[answer.back()]) {
        used[answer.back()] = false;
      cnt[c] -= 1;
      used[c] = true;
    return answer;