2020-09-25 Daily-Challenge
Today is example of The non-Designer's Design Book on Page 37.
12?! You got be killing me!
My answer:
- move
Accepting all insurance plans
close toWelcoming new patients
- left align them
- left align Title and subtitle
- align picture and the title
- align service with location
- align service with information
- phone number all in one row
- details align in same rows which looks like transparent blocks
- align website with title
- right align title and
Specialty Service
- left align picture and and
Family Medicine
text - add picture in background so it looks not so empty
- use same font for website so it looks more harmonious
- add background for website so it differ from the detailed service information, and also it's a repeat
- all text use left align except website location
- larger title
- larger picture
ok, right answer has less alignment things, on correct rate I got 5/12, on recall rate I got 5/17. I need more practice.