2019-03-22 Daily Challenge
I've complete a linear cryptanalysis attack towards simple a toy SPN cipher, I feel very veryyyyy happy!
Steps to follow to finish my attack
- Generate LAT(linear Approximation Table) of SBOX, if there are many SBOXs, generate LATs for each of SBOX.
- Find path to construct a good path.(Good for me, I'll explain it later.)
- Get enough plainttext-cipher pairs, for a bias of , a reasonable amount of is required, the more, the better. But too much does not make much sense.
- For your constructed path, try to recover keys by following instruction of tutorial.
- Repeat step 2-4 until you get subkey of last round.
- Repeat step 1-5 until you get all subkeys except first XOR.
- Use subkeys to recover first XOR key by reverse encryption process and known plaintext.
I'll show a detailed example by a post, just wait.;D