2019-02-24 Daily Challenge
What I've done today is Diophantine equation in Rust and Printer Errors in JavaScript.
BTW, I found math became more and more difficult, far more than I've expected. I decided to learn some practical course before returning to math.
So there will be only CodeWars after today~
Diophantine equation
Problem 66
Consider quadratic Diophantine equations of the form:
x2 – Dy2 = 1
For example, when D=13, the minimal solution in x is 6492 – 13×1802 = 1.
It can be assumed that there are no solutions in positive integers when D is square.
By finding minimal solutions in x for D = {2, 3, 5, 6, 7}, we obtain the following:
$3^2 – 2×2^2 = 1$ $2^2 – 3×1^2 = 1$ $9^2 – 5×4^2 = 1$ $5^2 – 6×2^2 = 1$ $8^2 – 7×3^2 = 1$
Hence, by considering minimal solutions in x for D ≤ 7, the largest x is obtained when D=5.
Find the value of D ≤ 1000 in minimal solutions of x for which the largest value of x is obtained.
Thanks to
- How to find a fundamental solution to Pell's equation? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
- Pell's equation - Wikipedia
- Methods of computing square roots
extern crate num_bigint;
extern crate num_traits;
extern crate num_integer;
use num_bigint::BigInt;
use num_traits::{Zero, One, FromPrimitive};
use num_integer::Roots;
use std::vec::Vec;
use std::mem::{replace, swap};
fn main() {
let mut ans: BigInt = Zero::zero();
let mut index = 0;
for i in 1u64..1001 {
let tmp = pell_equation(i);
if tmp > ans {
replace(&mut ans, tmp);
index = i;
println!("Answer is {}", index);
fn pell_equation(d: u64) -> BigInt {
let root = d.sqrt();
if root * root == d {
return Zero::zero();
let dd: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_u64(d).unwrap();
let mut extra = root;
let mut extras: Vec<u64> = vec![];
let mut numerator = 0;
let mut denominator = 1;
loop {
numerator = denominator * extra - numerator;
if (d - numerator * numerator) % denominator != 0 && (root + numerator) % denominator != 0 {
denominator = (d - numerator * numerator) / denominator;
extra = (root + numerator) / denominator;
let mut denominator: BigInt = Zero::zero();
let mut numerator: BigInt = One::one();
// println!("{:?}", extras);
for i in (0..extras.len()).rev() {
let mul: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_u64(extras[i]).unwrap();
denominator = mul * &numerator + &denominator;
swap(&mut numerator, &mut denominator);
// println!("{}/{}", numerator.to_str_radix(10), denominator.to_str_radix(10));
let tmp = &numerator * &numerator - &dd * &denominator * &denominator;
if tmp == One::one() {
println!("{}, {}, {}",d, numerator, denominator);
return numerator;
Printer Errors
In a factory a printer prints labels for boxes. For one kind of boxes the printer has to use colors which, for the sake of simplicity, are named with letters from a to m
The colors used by the printer are recorded in a control string. For example a "good" control string would be aaabbbbhaijjjm
meaning that the printer used three times color a, four times color b, one time color h then one time color a...
Sometimes there are problems: lack of colors, technical malfunction and a "bad" control string is produced e.g. aaaxbbbbyyhwawiwjjjwwm
with letters not from a to m
You have to write a function printer_error
which given a string will output the error rate of the printer as a string representing a rational whose numerator is the number of errors and the denominator the length of the control string. Don't reduce this fraction to a simpler expression.
The string has a length greater or equal to one and contains only letters from a
to z
error_printer(s) => "0/14"
error_printer(s) => "8/22"
function printerError(s) {
return `${[...s].map(a=>a.charCodeAt(0)>109).reduce((a, b)=>a+b)}/${s.length}`;
function printerError(s) {
return `${[...s].filter(a=>a.charCodeAt(0)>109).length}/${s.length}`;
function printerError(s) {
return `${s.replace(/[a-m]/gi, "").length}/${s.length}`;