2019-02-07 Daily Challenge

What I've done today is Self powers in Rust and Average of Levels in Binary Tree in JavaScript.



Prime permutations

Problem 49

The arithmetic sequence, 1487, 4817, 8147, in which each of the terms increases by 3330, is unusual in two ways: (i) each of the three terms are prime, and, (ii) each of the 4-digit numbers are permutations of one another.

There are no arithmetic sequences made up of three 1-, 2-, or 3-digit primes, exhibiting this property, but there is one other 4-digit increasing sequence.

What 12-digit number do you form by concatenating the three terms in this sequence?


I thought there is only (i) and (ii) required, but each of the terms increases by 3330 is required, too......


Wrong solution

extern crate primal;

use primal::Sieve;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::string::String;

fn main() {
    let sieve: Sieve = Sieve::new(10000);
    let up_bound = sieve.prime_pi(10000) + 1;
    let down_bound = sieve.prime_pi(1000) + 1;
    let mut map: HashMap<usize, usize> = HashMap::new();
    for i in down_bound..up_bound {
        let tmp = sieve.nth_prime(i);
        if tmp != 1487 && tmp != 4817 && tmp != 8147 {
            let key = f(tmp);
            if map.contains_key(&key) {
                *map.get_mut(&key).unwrap() += 1;
            } else {
                map.insert(key, 1);
    let mut k = 0;
    let mut ans: String = String::new();
    for (key, value) in map {
        if value == 3 {
            k = key;
    for i in down_bound..up_bound {
        let tmp = sieve.nth_prime(i);
        if f(tmp) == k {
            ans = format!("{}{}", ans, tmp);
    println!("Answer is {}", ans);

fn f(mut tmp: usize) -> usize {
    let mut tmp_vec = vec![];
    while tmp != 0 {
        tmp_vec.push(tmp % 10);
        tmp /= 10;
    let mut key = 0;
    for i in tmp_vec {
        key *= 10;
        key += i;

Right solution:

extern crate primal;

use primal::Sieve;
use std::string::String;

fn main() {
    let sieve: Sieve = Sieve::new(10000);
    let up_bound = sieve.prime_pi(3330) + 1;
    let down_bound = sieve.prime_pi(1000) + 1;
    let mut ans: String = String::new();
    for i in down_bound..up_bound {
        let tmp = sieve.nth_prime(i);
        if tmp != 1487 {
            if f(tmp) == f(tmp+3330) && sieve.is_prime(tmp+3330) && f(tmp) == f(tmp+6660) && sieve.is_prime(tmp+6660) {
                ans = format!("{}{}{}", tmp, tmp+3330, tmp+6660)
    println!("Answer is {}", ans);

fn f(mut tmp: usize) -> usize {
    let mut tmp_vec = vec![];
    while tmp != 0 {
        tmp_vec.push(tmp % 10);
        tmp /= 10;
    let mut key = 0;
    for i in tmp_vec {
        key *= 10;
        key += i;



125. Valid Palindrome

Given a string, determine if it is a palindrome, considering only alphanumeric characters and ignoring cases.

Note: For the purpose of this problem, we define empty string as valid palindrome.

Example 1:

Input: "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"
Output: true

Example 2:

Input: "race a car"
Output: false


Nothing to say.


 * @param {string} s
 * @return {boolean}
var isPalindrome = function(s) {
  s = s.replace(/[^0-9a-zA-Z]/gm, "").toLocaleLowerCase();
  return s.split("").reverse().join("") === s;

// console.log(isPalindrome("A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"));
// console.log(isPalindrome("race a car"));