2020-10-04 Daily-Challenge

Today is Sunday, I gonna review the tasks I've done this week, and finish today's leetcode's October LeetCoding Challenge with cpp.

2020-10-03 Daily-Challenge

Today is an example of The non-Designer's Design Book on top of Page 56 and Reshape the Matrix on leetcode and leetcode's October LeetCoding Challenge with cpp.

2020-10-02 Daily-Challenge

Today is an example of The non-Designer's Design Book on Page 55 and Filter Restaurants by Vegan-Friendly, Price and Distance on leetcode and leetcode's October LeetCoding Challenge with cpp.

Because of time zone, I decided to do second October LeetCoding Challenge.

2020-10-01 Daily-Challenge

Today is an example of The non-Designer's Design Book on Page 54 and Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence on leetcode with cpp.

2020-09-30 Daily-Challenge

Today is an example of The non-Designer's Design Book on Page 45 and As Far from Land as Possible on leetcode with cpp.

2020-09-29 Daily-Challenge

Today is an example of The non-Designer's Design Book on Page 42 and Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence on leetcode with cpp.

2020-09-28 Daily-Challenge

Today is an example of The non-Designer's Design Book on Page 40-41 and Probability of a Two Boxes Having The Same Number of Distinct Balls on leetcode with cpp.