What I've done today is Self powers in Rust and Average of Levels in Binary Tree in JavaScript.
Happy new year!~
What I've done today is Distinct primes factors in Rust and Longest Univalue Path in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal in Rust and LRU Cache in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal in Rust and LRU Cache in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Pentagon numbers in Rust and Binary Tree Postorder Traversal in JavaScript.
What I've done today is Sub-string divisibility in Rust and Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences in JavaScript.
I also spent a few hours at Vidar Team's HGAME2019, and go through Crypto and Web Challenge.
Misc is boring, RE is boring too, PWN is interesting, but DotA2 is more interesting ;D
What I've done today is Coded triangle numbers in Rust and Minimum Height Trees in JavaScript.